Coaching sessions are a partnership between me and you – I guide you through questions, various exercises and methods and observations and mirroring to get what you need and what matters to you.
We are equal partners and everyone has a responsibility: me, of the process. You, of the actions and the results. I work in one-hour sessions, in processes that vary depending on your need and pace. For someone it can be a session, for someone else it can be a process of several months.
I noticed that people generally come to coaching in 2 moments: when they need clarity, to upgrade their image of who they are today or what they want and what matters to them and, secondly, when they know what they have to do, but they don’t do it and they need a partner to keep them motivated and engaged, accountable.
People also need a certain type of energy at a certain point in their lives. How am I as a coach? I am a deep mix with a sharp mind, which will challenge you, but it will also kindly offer you space for growth. I value both the mind, with its structure and focus, but also the heart, with its wisdom and guidance.
I’m a balance between masculine energy (a “Doer”) and feminine and warm energy, so I work well with both sexes. So my style is the same – I believe in becoming whole again as human beings, listening to the 3 intelligences we all have (mind, heart and stomach).
In sessions, I can use a method toolbox or intuitive guide. You may walk through space, answer a seemingly surprising question, meditate, or play with a guide card.
Also, for our coaching I am using a mental fitness app, in order to train your mind to be positive and supportive.
I graduates 2 important schools of Coaching ICF recognised:
The coaching sessions with Anca brought me that necessary pivot point to keep the focus when I need to, on what I need to. Working with her, I gained more focus, organization, a new breath of energy and improved my performance level. Together we managed to access that pure energy that brings inspiration, creativity, confidence and the power to go towards the desired goals. Always a joy to work & grow with you!
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