Discover your specific ways of self-sabotage and lower the volume of your inner critic in minutes

I help you train your mind to be your ally and create the life you want through Coaching and Mental Fitness by Stanford University

I believe in freedom, authenticity and joy. And everything I do is around these values

I support top performers to achieve a level of performance and happiness 3 times higher, training their brain through mental fitness, as a Mental Fitness Coach.

I love to change mindsets and bring new perspectives, so I work as a Coach with changemakers and entrepreneurs who really build something impactful.

I have mobilized 2 000 000 of people to change Romania for the better and clean the country and I love to take social causes far.

I am a passionate explorer both inside and outside, I have traveled to the end of the world to know cultures, places and souls.

I am a Coach who will challenge you and make you ask yourself: “what does a Full Yes life mean for me?”

My work

We can work together in multiple ways:

Latest blog posts

I write about personal revelations
and about books, practices and people who help me evolve

As shown in:

What my clients say

The coaching sessions with Anca brought me that necessary pivot point to keep the focus when I need to, on what I need to. Working with her, I gained more focus, organization, a new breath of energy and improved my performance level. Together we managed to access that pure energy that brings inspiration, creativity, confidence and the power to go towards the desired goals. Always a joy to work & grow with you!

Mihai Ghita
Head of Business Continuity & Crisis Management

Intr-o sesiune de o ora cu Anca, am obtinut claritatea pe care o cautam. Ma bucur ca nu mi-a dat idei, sfaturi sau resurse de studiat - si mai mult zgomot. Mi-a dat liniste 🙂 . A ghidat procesul foarte natural si a fost fix ce aveam nevoie. Mi-am gasit solutiile si claritatea pe care o cautam de ceva vreme de una singura fara succes.

Armina Sarbu
Digital Learning Architect

Discover your specific ways of self-sabotage and lower your inner critic voice in minutes