Today it is an important day for me. It is the day I am starting a new career – a coaching certification. It is just one of the directions I want to grow in this year.
2019 is the first year when I ask myself seriously how can I build with my biggest passion: human nature and developing through learning. I wanted to study psychology when I was 18 and I gave up because ” You will not find any job”. Today I know to listen more to my intuition and I know that this detour has made me mature and taught me a lot of things to share from new roles.
I am passionated about topics such as human consciousness and how to expand it, human relationships, efficient and kind communication, leadership, social change, holistic approach which includes mind and heart together, meditation. I believe tech and AI can be used for human evolution only together with a high human consciousness and I believe this is going to be our challenge in the following years. This is what I read, talk about, write. This is what I breathe. It was time to take this consciously.
And, because today is my birthday, I make a wish, I want to enter new projects and I am looking for like minded people. People who value evolution, self awareness, authenticity, people who can combine an analytical mind with the intelligence and warmth of the heart. People with vision.
Who I am:
My vision is to help people take their personal power back to create the reality they want and start shaping their dreams. I do this through stories, discussions and courses. Linkedin profile here.
What I am looking for:
I am still part of Let`s Do It, Romania!, I just want to expand myself
Apart from the professional side, I am looking for my tribe – free people, passionated about personal development, freelancers, travelers, bold and open minded people, who challenge themselves.
I created a Facebook Group – Free Life that I have in mind for a long time. A group where to share tools to grow and surpass limits, where to share how we can be more free and live the life we want to live, not the one imposed by society and dusty voices. If you want to be a part of it, let me know!
Let’s do this!
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