If you find yourself in one of these situations:
You live with the feeling that someone could discover, at any point, that you are not nearly that good at your job and that you are just a fraud who hasn’t been caught yet
You have a long list of projects that you have wanted to start for a long time, but you keep telling yourself that „this is not for me”, „I don’t have everything I need yet” and other negative thoughts
It is very difficult for you to say „no” when a friend asks for your help because you feel guilty, even if you have other things to do
You neglect yourself and what is important to you – projects, hobbies and put others first, and this brings you a lot of frustration
Perfectionism messes up with you every day at work, from the emails you read 100 times to proposing new the ideas, because you don’t have the perfect plan yet
You feel the need to control absolutely everything your colleagues or family do, because otherwise you have the impression that nothing is happening and it is very difficult for you to delegate anything
You can never relax and you need to be always busy and you only validate yourself when you are successful
My name is Anca Banita and I am happy to meet you!
Officially, I am a Life & Business Coach, with 3 Coaching Certifications ICF recognised – One2Coach Coaching School, Business Coaching Diploma by PWC, and Mental Fitness (Positive Intelligence by Stanford University). I built an online business with hundreds of students and corporate employees.
The courses and experiences I create bring together neuroscience and heart science, group coaching and meditation and have the intention to reconnect you with Joy and your inner Divinity.
If you asked my friends who I am, they would probably tell you that I am a changemaker and someone who mobilises people to do the big and authentic things, those things that make their hearts beat faster, those things that really count.
I am one of the co-founders of Let’s Do It, Romania!, the largest social movement in Romania, part of World Cleanup Day movement, where we mobilized over 2 million people to clean Romania’s waste.
I love working with people who have an impact, with people who create important things. With Doers. As you are too. Today, I support people stop self-sabotage and create their authentic life, using coaching, mental fitness and technology.
Anca has worked with:
This mini-course will help you to:
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